
Cheap Littelfuse FHA200BP ATO Add-A-Circuit Kit Online Store

Littelfuse FHA200BP ATO Add-A-Circuit Kit

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Littelfuse FHA200BP ATO Add-A-Circuit Kit

  • Turns one fuse slot into two while providing protection for both circuits
  • Use with ATO fuses up to 10 amps
  • Includes 3,5,7.5 and 10 amp fuses

Littelfuse FHA200BP ATO Add-A-Circuit Kit
Littelfuse ATO Add a circuit kit allows easy installation of additional circuits without cutting or spicing. Turn one fuse slot into two while providing protection for both circuits. Maintains new car warranty. Use with ATO fuses up to 10 amps. Includes ATO 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 amp fuses. From the manufacture: adding a circuit, always use a circuit protection device with a fuseholder or fuse block whenever adding additional circuits to ensure optimal safety. The fastest, easiest option for installers who need to add a circuit for application such as electronic components, is Littelfuse's Add A Circuit Fuseholder. Add a circuit is available in ATO and MINI blade fuse versions, is designed to facilitate installation of fuses for accessories of 10 amps or less. The Add-A-Circuit adapts the fuse block to the installers needs, quickly turning one slot in the fuse block into two. This provides a safe, economical alternative to splicing or fuse taps.