
Discount Bussmann NO.53 ATC and MAXI Blade Fuse Tester/Puller Kit Online Store

Bussmann NO.53 ATC and MAXI Blade Fuse Tester/Puller Kit

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Bussmann NO.53 ATC and MAXI Blade Fuse Tester/Puller Kit

  • It is ATC and MAX blade fuse bonus assortment
  • Contains popular ATC and MAX blade fuses
  • It is complete with FT-3 fuse tester/puller
  • It is reclosable, heavy-duty clamshell package
  • Fuses meet or exceed OE and SAE standards

Bussmann NO.53 ATC and MAXI Blade Fuse Tester/Puller Kit
This kit contains 45 pieces of ATC-10, 15, 20 and 30. It also has MAX-30, 40 and 50 amperes fuses. It has a FT-3 Fuse Tester/Puller. It is reclosable, heavy-duty clamshell package. It contains popular ATC and MAX blade fuses. The fuses meet or exceed OE and SAE standards.