
Save On Grote In-Line Fuse Holders With Fuses 82-2163 For Sale

Grote In-Line Fuse Holders With Fuses 82-2163

you looking for cheap Grote In-Line Fuse Holders With Fuses 82-2163?

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Grote In-Line Fuse Holders With Fuses 82-2163

  • Nylon fuse holders for glass type fuses
  • protects electrical equipment
  • Includes a glass fuse
  • GPT Wire
  • Cross to: Cole Hersee 303130, Pico 901, Pollak 52116, Signal Stat 9415, Truck-Lite 9415, Tectran 502

Grote In-Line Fuse Holders With Fuses 82-2163
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Features: 30 amp., 14 Ga 7" White Wire, Pack Qty.: 1

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